Saturday, October 6, 2012

Poster Thoughts

Even though it’s off-topic from previous post I’ve made to this blog, I decided to just do a Google search for information security posters to see what comes up. And, there were a lot of examples.  Some of them were quite clever, and got their point across using just visuals with very little commentary.  

For example the “Take it From Red” poster raises awareness about social engineering, and the different forms the threat can take. It uses figures that are immediately familiar to us, and places them into a security conscious context.

Another poster I thought was very effective raised wet awareness of emails and attachments. It’s simple, grabs your attention, and gets the point across through a combination of graphics and few words. It is something that you can read on the go, and immediately understand the message.

Then there were others like the, “only the strong survive,” which initially grabs your attention.  But then I was so busy trying to figure out what cheese has to do with the message, that I really didn’t pay attention to anything else in the poster. sometimes being too clever get in the way of your message.

Generally speaking, I’m in favor of using animals to make a point, but I didn’t understand this one at all. It asks “is your identity in safe hands?” and then says “security is everyone’s responsibility.” Good question at the top, but the following statement is a non sequitur. And where does the dog in the pink wig come in? It makes no sense to me.

Of course this is all just my opinion because different graphics are going to stand out in different ways different people. These are some examples of what either did or didn't appeal to me.

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